
Here's the latest from April ...

I don't think I've sent an update about my parents house. Darren went to Metairie & checked out the outside of the house. Then my neighbor got the spare key & checked inside. Compared to the average affected by Katrina, we did okay. The tree in the front yard did fall on top of the Buick breaking the back windshield & allowing water into it. Apparently the weight of the tree is making the car lean to the right. My car is okay under the carport, but is blocked by the tree. Our neighbors tree, luckily for us did not hit our house. Unfortunately, it did do some damage to theirs. The fences are down just like everyone else's. No roof damage except a few shingles came off. All windows that are boarded & those un boarded are intact. Now for the inside. We got some water, probably 2-3 inches. Our neighbor said the floors were dry but the carpets were squishy. I have no idea when we are going to be able to get into the house. So with sewer water soaked carpets in a sealed up house with no air circulation, the mold & mildew will grow. So anything on the ground, or things that can absorb the funk is ruined. My clothes, bed linens, furniture, I guess my mattress too are gone. Most of you know how messy I am so lots of things were on the floor. It's hard to say if the moisture will get into my plastic containers. All I really care about is my artwork, some misc photos in frames, a few pieces of jewelry and some books. Whenever we do go to the house it's going to be one hell of a clean up job. My dad just told me there is water & power in our area, but we still aren't allowed in just yet. My sister & Fayard don't have this option. Too many people don't even have a house to go back to. I am truly lucky & blessed to have minimal damage. Things are replaceable, people are not. My family is safe & I know where they are. So whomever was looking out for us Thank You!


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