
"guys, where are we?"

I find this fricking hysterical! I was just browsing through the We Are Scientists Web site, and I came across a photo of the band's recent Anti-Pop Music Festival show at The Social. Even if you know me, you will have a hard time finding me in this photo. I searched for a while with my forehead all wrinkled, my eyes squinting and my neck all stretched out. Then, I saw Brad, then I saw me, and then I busted out laughing. Good luck finding us.

The show was great. Onstage, lead singer Keith Murray strikingly resembles Conor Oberst -- except that he smiles and laughs more often. In fact, the guys were really funny, cracking jokes and making themselves right at home. Afte rthe show, they worked their own merch booth, so we got to talk to them. They were very appreciative and very down to earth. Of course, within minutes, there was a small mob of teen-age girls surrounding Keith and giggling approvingly whenever he spoke. Check them out at wearescientists.com.

In other news, the first new episode of "Lost" in about a month will have me mesmerized in about an hour. They are hyping the hell out of the news that a major character is going to die in tonight's episode. If you want some insider information and don't want to shell out the big bucks for the DVD of season one, check out the new podcast.

ABC announced yesterday: "Each week throughout the November sweeps, various Lost cast members, along with informative conversations between creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Carlton Cuse, will tease the week's upcoming episode, as well as answer fan questions." You can download the podcasts at lost.abc.com or in the iTunes Music Store.


Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! is that you behind the guy with the 'fro?


opjxp.... old people's jinxed pee

Beta Mike said...

That is so funny!!! I'll see Christy's LMAO and raise her a LMBKO!!! Your eyes look like a deer in headlights! Steph, I see a spot open right at the top of the stairs, you should take it!

byjvy - bring your jeans vith you!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! That is too funny! We look like we were possessed...probably just too much time spent staring at the computer screen though. It's a new thing digi cams are picking up on! :P