
for your Jon Stewart & iPod addictions

Dear Jon Stewart,

Are you trying to hurt us? We will lose our jobs, crash on the highways, neglectfully stop calling home, flunk our math tests and forget to let our dogs out.

I can now download all of your episodes of "The Daily Show" for less than the price of lunch at Disney World and watch them on my iPod. Is anything else really important anymore?

I am thrilled about this news, but also a bit worried about this easy new way to feed my addictions. Where will I store 16 half-hour episodes? Won't my iPod fill up? When will I have time to pay bills? When did the milk in my fridge get chunky and when did my eyebrows meet in the middle of my face?

Now, I must go buy an industrial-sized hard drive to store the ridiculous amount of music and videos I'm collecting. Seriously, Mr. Jobs, in a few years, I'm expecting that we'll all need 100 gig iPods!

What, your iPod isn't near capacity? Then get moving, slacker!

NPR is offering the full sets of Belle & Sebastian and The New Pornographers' show for your downloading pleasure. The show was broadcast live on March 6 from -- where else -- the 9:30 Club in D.C.

You can also stream a recent show from Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and upcoming Coachella darlings Clap your Hands Say Yeah.

1 comment:

Beta Mike said...

Great call on the All Songs Considered! I had to come to a painful personal decision to axe half of my podcasts. They were multiplying like bunnies and my iPod couldn't take it!