
don't you love me anymore?

That's what you're thinking, right? Life has been even more crazy busy than usual, and that has taken me away from the blogosphere. I'm not blogging, I'm not keeping up with my favorite blogs, and I have so much to say!

In September, I had a very unexpected death in the family, and I flew to Chicago for a few days. It was my mom's cousin Anthony, and he was one of those people that make life worth living. Fun, full of life, generous and thoughtful, and I don't understand how people like that are taken so young when there are horrible people still alive who make the world a scary place. It was one of those experiences that make you analyze every decision you've made and the ones you've been too scared to make.

Then, I went to New Orleans for a baby shower for my brother and his wife. It was a great time, but way too short.

I will tell you more about all of that, and I promise you that in a couple of weeks, I will have a lot more to say and share. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come back to me Shooky baby! I will wear anything in "small" from London's West End...and Jack the Ripper themed.