

Thank you, Henry Rollins, for always stopping in Orlando on your spoken word tours! Henry is set to return to the House of Blues on Sept. 23, and I couldn't be more excited! I've been lucky enough to catch him three times already over the last 8 or 10 years, and the man keeps getting better and better.

The last time Henry visited O'do was in October 2005. It was soon after Hurricane Katrina, and America was getting war weary. It's funny, because I remember that in his performance prior to the 2005 visit, Henry told the audience that he thought we were definitely going to war because George Dubya had "put his dick out there." He explained that because we put out the ultimatum, there was no way we would go back with our missiles between our legs. Several months later, of course, we started bombing.

I remember thinking, damn, I hope that's not true. I hope we can still pull back because we can. We won't look cowardly, we will look like the mature, confident country we are (or should be).

But Henry gets it. He just does. You gotta hear him.

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