
isn't anything sacred?

Sarah Silverman & Jimmy Kimmel have apparently broken up. Her publicist confirmed it to the Associated Press. It's sad enough that they are ending a 5-year relationship, but the fact that our local news anchors get to add in their two cents about how unfunny they think they are -- yes, i'm talking to you WESH-TV morning crew. It's like, "You're a loser in love, and by the way, you're not funny." Sarah is hilarious -- her show is genius, and so is her video with Matt Damon.

In other news of the bizarre, did you hear about the people who claim their retinas were damaged during a dance party in Moscow. Lasers were too strong for the small venue, and it burned their retinas. That's crazy! It probably harmed their hearing, too, but that won't show up for a few years. I sound like an old biddy! Click here to read the story.

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