
holy stereotypes, batman!

I stumbled upon this Web site Sociological Images: Seeing is Believing. Very interesting stuff. The first post is a take on what our favorite celebs would look like if they were Midwesterners. Can you name them?

In my mind, these are not funny because they are supposed to be "Midwesterners." They're funny because they look like our fave celebs with the bodies of our own family members. You could just as easily say they are stars as "white trash" or "Southern rednecks." Why do we resort to stereotypes? Would it be just as funny if it was titled "When Celebs HIt Middle Age and Let Themselves Go"?

And why am I in such a preachy mood?

The credit for the original post went to Jeremy Enke, who gave the Photoshop credits to PlanetHiltron. All the sites look like they are worth a visit... with an open mind.

By the way, that's Nicole Kidman, Johnny Depp, Ashlee Simpson and Pamela Anderson up there.


Anonymous said...

I love planet hiltron! Whoever runs that has some mad photoshop skillz.

Anonymous said...

these are funny though. i especially like the ashlee simpson photo.. she looks like some of tom's relatives!