
happy holidaze

I’m tired. The stress of the holidays alone is enough the wear me out – and I don’t mean the stress of being single. I mean JUST the stress of the holidays is enough to make me want to curl up in a fetal position under all my covers. Then you add to the mix impatient drivers, tourists who drive like they got their license this morning, crowded stores, etc., and just forget it. Hibernation until 2007 sounds like a plan.

But there’s just no time for that. There’s really no time to even read this – I mean, are you finished your holiday shopping? If you’re not, then here are some fun Web sites that offer excellent ideas.

Gifts.com - I found some really cool items on the site, and I had a blast just looking through the pages. I wonder if they have birthday registrations???

SockArmy.com – I love funky socks and hosiery. This site has something to complement every outfit in your Ambassador-approved wardrobe.

PerpetualKid.com – With the tag line “Entertain your inner child,” I don’t think there’s much left to say. I will say that I spent nearly an hour perusing all the different categories of gifts. Gingerbread cookie cutters that are missing limbs, marshmallow guns and more. Yes, 33 is the new black.

And if you’ve been so busy that you have no idea what’s going on in the world, let me bring you up to speed.

The New Orleans Saints kick ass. We’re second in the entire NFC!!! WHO DAT!!

Tootie is pregnant.

Nicole Richie got busted, and I learned that she weighs as much as my high school backpack.

Prince’s bare ass is the halftime show of the Superbowl.

Eddie Murphy is Scary Spice’s babydaddy.

And I'm spent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reggie . . . Reggie . . . hey, isn't he supposed to be a Texan?!?! Geaux Saints!