
your treasure map to street cred

Clear your desktops people and put on the good headphones. Chris at CultureBully.com has posted a gazillion links to live shows, mp3s, interviews and other stuff he has collected in his audio archive and favorites list. You'll see stuff from the likes of the Afghan Whigs, Ani Difranco, Elliott Smith, Beck, Ben Lee, Bjork, Hayden, Imperial Teen, Nada Surf, Sleater-Kinney, Superdrag, Wilco and Wolf Parade ... among many, many others. Some of the stuff is downloadable, and others you can only stream. It's like a treasure map!

So you went to Coachella, and it changed your life, right? The merch store on Coachella.com has restocked its virtual shelves with the official 2005 poster, as well as a bunch of other cool stuff to show off to everyone that you were there. I gotta be careful not to spend too much -- I must save for those cool limited-edition posters and T-shirts you can get ONLY at the fest. Oh yeah, I'm oozing street cred.

Betamike, I dedicate this next exciting sentence to you: Cliptip has the The Faint's video for "Desperate Guys"!!! While you're there, check out Metric's "Poster of a Girl" and "Crazy" from Gnarls Barkley.

1 comment:

Beta Mike said...

Thanks for the dedication! I was looking indifferent at the merch tent putting on makeup!