
Konichiwa motherf-ers!!!

Coachella 2006 is over ... but it's one hell of a memory.

I am still trying to make sense of all the amazing performances, incredible sights and unbelievable stories I have to tell. Most of all, I bonded with old friends and new ones. I'll save the sappiness for later and just tell you that I am forever changed!

I'm already nostalgic! If you are, too, or if you didn't make it out to the Empire Polo Fields, here are some links that may help cure your withdrawals.

Check out an unofficial Coachella community at coachella.imeem.com. Right on the front page is Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" performance. There are lots of links there to more videos and photos.

thedesertsun.com has lots of photos and less-than-stellar recaps of the festival. Are the people of Indio all at a second-grade reading level?

Here's an awesome aerial shot of the fest on Sunday from the Desert Sun newspaper in Palm Springs.


Beta Mike said...

I don't know where to begin in writing about it all!!! Does that make me crazy! I too slept almost all day! I predict work will suck tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

i miss everyone already.


Anonymous said...

::sniff:: Cheerleading camp is over. :(

What a great group photo Steph!

Why the heck am I still up...