
i got my wiiiii fit, i got my wiiiii fit, i got my wiiiii fit

I've been wanting a Wii Fit since I first saw the video online and they were available only in Japan. It seemed like such a cool idea and a great way to rid my life of as much stress as I can in a fun way. Where else can Conor Oberst throw hula hoops to you? Yeah, I'm a nerd. I actually made a Mii of Conor. I love seeing him pop up in crowd scenes and bowling alleys, on the jogging track and on the face of a marble.

As soon as the friendly delivery guy handed over my new Wii Fit, I ripped open the box and set up the balance board. What a great game! I completed my initial testing and learned my Wii Fit age was 5 yeas younger than my actual age. Not too shabby!

I tried out the yoga, strength training -- someone please teach me how to do a push up! -- aerobics and balance games. I really enjoyed it. The only bad thing was that I think Tilly was annoyed that she wasn't the center of my attention.

Actually, even getting the Wii Fit is quite a story. I haven't been able to find them anywhere, so I took a tip from Gashapon and went to amazon.com. I have grown to love that site. I did most of my Christmas shopping there and had everything sent directly to my brother's house -- great convenience!

But that was nothing in comparison to my snagging of one the hottest toys on the market. I signed up for Amazon Text Alert. As soon as the game was in, I received a text message, and I immediately texted back "fitbuy." I had already goven them my credit card number, so all they needed was a quick OK from me. Within minutes, I got a confirmation, and the Wii Fit was on its way to my messy abode. According to James, you gotta be quick with the texting. I was lucky that I had my phone right on my desk at work and got the message immediately.

If you're looking for a hard-to-find item, I recommend trying this service. It was so easy, and now I'm working on my ski jump!

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