
bringin' it to the people

They have beautiful voices, and they're using them. Michael Stipe, Bright Eyes, Devendra Banhart, Rufus Wainwright, Fischerspooner, Chuck D and Peaches will take part in a benefit concert to mark the third anniversary of America's invasion of Iraq. The "Bring 'Em Home Now" benefit concert will take place at New York City’s Hammerstein Ballroom on March 20. Proceeds will go to Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans for Peace. Please tell me there's going to be a live CD!!!!

Death Cab For Cutie found 11 different directors to create 11 different videos for their 11 different songs on the Plans album. Although you will soon be able to buy the DVD "with bonus features," you can watch the videos on Death Cab's Web site as they're released one at a time.

The band's sadly beautiful "I Will Follow You into the Dark" is up and streaming now. Go check it out and then tremble with anticipation until the next one is available.

Pitchfork has an interesting article about the latest in a string of stakes thrust into the heart of the mom and pop indie stores we all love. Best Buy to Indies: Drop Dead is a great article about how some indie record labels signed an agreement with the corporate assholes who brought you the "restocking fee" to give their artists some quality placement in the chain's stores. Seems harmless enough, but Best Buy went one step further and priced CDs from Cat Power, Broken Social Scene and others at $7.99. At that price, indie stores can't compete.

While an indie record exec said he can't blame the customer who decides to save some cash and spend his hard-earned minimum-wage paycheck at Best Buy, I have to say, PEOPLE, WE HAVE THE POWER!!! Resist the temptation to feed into the machine and make a stand.

Go to your local indie store. Their selection is more eclectic, the kids working there are much hotter and more knowledgable about the stuff you want to buy, and you often get free stuff! I have a fun stash of posters, stickers, pins, DVDs, vinyl and EPs that have all been free and exclusive. And you won't see any of those indie artists playing a live set at Best Buy!

May I humbly recommend Park Avenue CDs at 2916 Corrine Drive in Orlando. They will order it if they don't have it, and sometimes you're lucky enough to visit when Mikey is wearing his bunny costume.

In all his typical dramatic glory, Rufus Wainwright is doing something awfully special. He will perform the entire legendary 1961 Judy Garland concert with an orchestra at Carnegie Hall on June 14. Click here for more info.


Anonymous said...

i love the bunny costume!

Beta Mike said...

He is beautiful, you are beautiful!