
let's open pandora's jukebox

Technology, or perhaps more accurately, the convenient accessibility of high-tech programs and gadgets never ceases to amaze me. It seems like it's happening more and more. I mean, how did I live without an iPod? How did I live without the iPod Photo? How long can I possibly go on before I get a video iPod???

Today, I ask myself, how did I ever learn about new bands? Well, actually, that's easy, because people ask me that somewhat regularly. I read. I read magazines, I read online blogs, I read interviews with artists, I read liner notes in CD packaging, and -- whatever, I know, this is nothing new, right? Everyone who calls herself a music lover does this. But what about everyone else? Some guys are making it very easy for them with the introduction of Pandora: The Music Genome Project.

I signed up for a free account, was somewhat impressed by the smooth, speedy transitions of the screen, and then I typed in Jeff Buckley. Pandora then takes mere seconds to create a "radio station" with music from Jeff Buckley and other performers who "she" thinks I may enjoy. Pandora chooses Jeff Healy's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" because "it features mild rhythmic syncopation, a dynamic male vocalist and many other similarities identified in the music genome project." Hmmmm. It's really choosing songs based on factors like beats per minute and use of a cowbell?

I press skip. Then, Pandora switches to Sebadoh -- a favorite of mine. Apparently, Sebadoh emerges to the top of the playlist because "it features electric rock instrumentation, a vocal-centric aesthetic, mild rhythmic syncopation (I must like that.), major key tonality and electric rhythm guitars. Oh la la!

Seriously though, I gotta tell you. I'm impressed. She also brings up Sunny Day Real Estate, Morrissey, Dinosaur Jr and Jimmy Page & Robert Plant-- Led Zeppelin was one of Jeff Buckley's favorites.

The guy behind the curtains at The Music Genome Project is founder Tim Westergren. According to his press release, he and his friends spent the last five years capturing "the essence of music at the most fundamental level. We ended up assembling literally hundreds of musical attributes or "genes" into a very large Music Genome. Taken together these genes capture the unique and magical musical identity of a song - everything from melody, harmony and rhythm, to instrumentation, orchestration, arrangement, lyrics, and of course the rich world of singing and vocal harmony. It's not about what a band looks like, or what genre they supposedly belong to, or about who buys their records - it's about what each individual song sounds like."

So, I try something different. I type in a song name: "Twilight." Pandora asks me to choose which "Twilight" song I'm thinking about -- is it a song by Josh Rouse? Squirrel Nut Zippers? The Twilight Singers (mmmm, Greg Dulli, pause for moment to drool)? The Raveonettes? U2? I click on Elliott Smith.

Pandora can't play Elliott's "Twilight" because of some licensing issues, but it does turn up a different Elliott song. Next up: Matt Pond PA, Son Ambulance and The Great Lake Swimmers (who I had never heard of).

I type in "Desaparecidos," hoping for some intelligent, punk, rock, emo-with-an-edge tunes, and Pandora gives me Archers of Loaf. (I think I'm in love. I had the good fortune to see them at the Sapphire Supper Club before they broke up, and before the venue became The Social. Good memories.) Then comes The Fall, Damien Jurado, The Psychedelic Furs and John Waite. Very interesting.

I can't wait to see what's going to pop up when I type in Har Mar Superstar!!! Technology kicks ass!


Anonymous said...

i swear steph... i would never be able to make it on this musical journey without your guidance.

you are so cool.
i am so jealous.

love you!

Beta Mike said...

What a cool widget/bible! If you typed in Har Mar Superstar you will probably get furry woodland creatures or helium.

aewkb - a, e, and the rest of the vowels, w, k and b

Anonymous said...

Heck yes!! This TOTALLY rocks in a whole new way!! I have a whole list of new albums to pick up. Anyone ready for a trip to Park Ave?!?!

Keep the good tunes rolling...